Common Indiana Animals That Can Be Nuisance Wildlife


Most people can visually identify a raccoon but what are some signs that indicate a raccoon? Soffit damage; vent damage; missing cat food; loud noises at night; “chattering” noise (March through May) from young of the year; feces on roof; attic noise; scratching; odd smell; crawlspace noise; trash can tipped over; normally November-May.

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Skunks are easily identified when seen or smelled but what are some signs? Small depression going under the deck, patio, garage, or shed; small holes dug all over the yard; missing cat food; missing eggs/chickens; large piles of dirt dug from under structures; all times of year.


There are several animals that will be very similar. Indiana has Chipmunks, Red Pine Squirrels, Gray Squirrels, Fox Squirrels, and Flying Squirrels. Noises in the attic; noises in the crawl space; noises in the wall; noises at night; noises all times of day; chewing; scratching; all times of year.

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Bats are often in your house or barn and you don’t even know it. Scratching; squeaking/chirping; noise in the walls; noise in the attic; noise at night; odd smell; mainly March-November.

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Mice are a common pest worldwide. Noise in the attic; noise in the walls; odd smell; squeaking/chirping; chewing; scratching; noise all times of day; missing cat food; all times of year.

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Many different species of birds can cause problems. Noises in the attic; noises in the crawlspace; noises all times of day; squeaking/chirping; odd smell; all times of year.


The often misunderstood “possum”. Noise in the attic; noise in the crawlspace; odd smell; hole under deck, patio, garage or shed; trash can tipped over; missing cat food; all times of year.


Woodchucks , “groundhogs”, and “whistle pigs” are all the same creature. Missing plants; large pile of dirt dug from under structure; normally March-November.

Eastern Mole

Moles are rarely seen because they spend the vast majority of their time underground. Mounds of dirt in the yard/mulch; trails of dead grass; soft spots in the yard; normally March-December.


The Prairie Vole is common throughout Indiana. Visible runs in your yard/mulch; plants dying for no obvious reason; bark removed from plants; lawn damage under the snow.


Muskrats spend most of their time in the water but they often come onto land to feed. Plants missing; cattails missing or piled up in the water; bank collapsing.


Beavers can do significant damage in a very short period of time. Trees/plants missing; water backing up; bank collapsing; sticks piled up.