Effective Bird Exclusion Methods (& Why Spikes Don’t Work)

Bird spikes

Bird exclusion is essential for maintaining clean, safe, and aesthetically pleasing environments, particularly in areas like stadiums, arenas and industrial buildings.

From pigeon nesting remediation at sports stadiums to bird management practices for office buildings, Rusty’s Animal Control (RAC) has seen it all when it comes to bird management solutions.

Here’s why traditional bird spikes often fail — and why our tailored exclusion methods provide better, longer-lasting results.

Why Bird Spikes Don’t Work

Bird spikes are a common go-to solution for bird exclusion, but they often fall short for several reasons:

1. Adaptability: birds, especially sparrows, are highly adaptable — they can maneuver around spikes or even use them as anchor points for building nests

2. Aesthetic Issues: over time, bird spikes can accumulate debris and become unsightly, detracting from the appearance of your property

3. Maintenance: bird spikes require regular maintenance to ensure they remain effective, which can be both time-consuming and costly

At Rusty’s Animal Control, we have removed countless bird spikes due to their ineffectiveness. Instead, we offer superior exclusion methods tailored to each unique situation.

Superior Bird Exclusion Strategies

Each bird exclusion project starts with a thorough inspection to understand the specific challenges and needs of the customer. We then implement customized solutions to permanently deter birds from nesting on your property.

These designs, including boxed-out areas and slated surfaces, physically block birds from accessing potential nesting sites by preventing them from gaining a foothold. These exclusions are designed to be durable and blend seamlessly with the structure of your building.

Innovative Laser Solutions

In addition to metal exclusions, we offer advanced laser solutions to deter birds:

  • Autonomic Lasers:
    These lasers mimic predator movements, scaring birds away. They are set to specific patterns and times, providing continuous protection.
  • Handheld Lasers:
    These are used more frequently and condition birds to avoid the area. They are particularly effective for deterring Canada geese.

The Dangers of Bird Feces

Bird feces are more than just a nuisance — they pose serious health risks. Bird droppings can carry zoonotic diseases, which are infectious diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Effective bird exclusion is necessary to protect the health and safety of everyone using the property.

Contact Us for Effective Bird Exclusion Solutions

A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for bird exclusion. Each building and situation is unique, requiring a tailored solution. Our team at RAC conducts detailed inspections to identify the best exclusion methods, ensuring effective and long-lasting results.

Rusty’s Animal Control is committed to providing effective, customized bird exclusion solutions. If you’re dealing with a bird problem and traditional methods like spikes haven’t worked, contact us to learn more about our innovative approaches. Let us help you keep your property clean, safe, and bird-free.

Learn more about our bird exclusion services