Author: Rusty Fields

Buzz Off: How to Protect Your Property from Stinging Insects

As a property manager or building owner, dealing with stinging insects can be more than just a nuisance—it can pose significant risks to health and safety. Finding reliable pest control services that effectively address these problems can be a challenge. At Rusty's Animal Control (RAC), we understand the complexities involved… Read More
Wasp stinger

Expert Bug Control: Reliable Exterminator Solutions

Dealing with bug and pest infestations is a concern for every property manager and building owner. From ant invasions to the unnerving sight of cockroaches scuttling away when the lights turn on, the presence of bugs can severely affect the comfort and safety of your property. The quest for a… Read More
Dead bug

Protect Your Property During Wildlife Birthing Season

Spring's warmer days signal not just a change in weather but the start of the bustling wildlife birthing season. As winter melts away, property managers, building owners, and homeowners face unique challenges with the first litters of local wildlife making their presence known. Understanding the behaviors of these animals during… Read More
Raccoon removal

Nesting Geese? Don’t Take Chances — Call RAC Now!

When it comes to Canada Geese, their reputation for aggressive nesting behavior is well deserved. These birds take the security of their nesting sites very seriously, displaying a level of protectiveness that could rival the most formidable creatures — even Godzilla. Most pairs of Canada Geese work in tandem to… Read More
Aggressive nesting goose

Keeping Bats Out as the Temperature Drops

As the leaves start to change and the air turns crisp, you may find some unexpected guests making themselves at home on your property this fall. During the colder months, bat colonies commonly seek warmer, safer roosting locations – including eaves and attics. And while these fascinating, flying creatures can… Read More
Closeup of Bat